Software Testing Course in Pune

Learn Software Testing Online & Offline Under the Best Software Testing in Pune
Comprehensive & Competitive Assessments | Qualified & Experienced Trainers | Focus on Practical Learning
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Trained students
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Trained Students
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Trained students
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Fuel Your Ambition with Expert Guidance

Course Includes



Lifetime Access


(Course Completion)

Interview Preparation

(DSA and Soft skills training)

100% Placement Assistance

Course Overview

Are you looking to break into the world of software testing or advance your career? Our Software Testing Course in Pune is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this dynamic field. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced IT professional, this course equips you with essential testing skills and industry-recognized certification.

Why Choose Our Software Testing Course?

In a competitive job market, a comprehensive understanding of software testing can set you apart. Here’s why our Software Testing Course is the right choice for you:

    • In-Depth Knowledge: Gain a thorough understanding of various testing methodologies, including manual and automated testing.
    • Hands-On Experience: Work on real-world projects to build practical skills and apply what you’ve learned.
    • Expert Guidance: Learn from industry experts with years of experience in software testing and quality assurance.

Key Highlights of Our Automation Software Testing Course

For those interested in the cutting-edge field of automation, our Automation Software Testing Course is ideal. This course covers:

    • Automation Tools: Learn to use popular tools such as Selenium, QTP, and LoadRunner for automating testing processes.
    • Scripting: Develop skills in writing scripts to automate repetitive testing tasks, enhancing efficiency.
    • Integration: Understand how to integrate automated testing with Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines for seamless workflows.

Software Testing Course Certification: Your Gateway to Success

Our course is not just about learning; it’s about proving your skills. Upon successful completion, you will receive a Software Testing Course Certification. This certification is a testament to your expertise and can significantly enhance your resume, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Who should Enroll?

Our courses are designed for:

  • Aspiring Testers: Those new to software testing seeking a solid foundation and industry-recognized certification.
  • IT Professionals: Individuals looking to specialize in automation or enhance their testing skills.
  • Quality Assurance Analysts: Professionals aiming to advance their career with comprehensive knowledge and certification.

Ready to advance your career? Enroll in our Software Testing Course in Pune and gain the skills and certification needed for success. For more information or to sign up, contact us or visit our website. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your career with expert training and certification in software testing!

100% Job Placement Support

At the end of your course, our commitment to your success extends beyond training. We offer 100% Job Placement Support to help you secure a rewarding position in the industry. Here’s what we provide:

  1. Resume Building Assistance:
    • Professional Review: Personalized feedback to craft a standout resume highlighting your skills and certifications.
    • Tailored Resumes: Customized resumes for different job applications, ensuring alignment with job requirements.
  2. Interview Preparation:
    • Mock Interviews: Practice interviews to build confidence and enhance performance.
    • Interview Tips: Guidance on answering common questions and handling technical assessments effectively.
  3. Job Search Strategies:
    • Job Portal Access: Access exclusive job portals with openings related to software testing and automation.
    • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry professionals and attend job fairs and networking events.
  4. Career Counseling:
    • Personalized Guidance: One-on-one counseling to discuss career goals, industry trends, and job market insights.
    • Career Path Advice: Guidance on potential career paths, including manual testing, automation, and specialized roles.
  5. Job Placement Assistance:
    • Employer Connections: Utilize our strong relationships with top companies and recruiters actively seeking skilled software testers.
    • Job Referrals: Benefit from referrals to companies that match your skills and career aspirations.
    • 100% Placement Guarantee: We are committed to ensuring every graduate finds a job, thanks to our dedicated team working tirelessly to connect you with potential employers.
  6. Post-Placement Support:
    • On-the-Job Guidance: Ongoing support and advice even after securing a job to ensure a smooth transition.
    • Career Progression: Continued support for career advancement and professional growth.

Why Our Job Placement Support is Effective

  • Industry Connections: Strong relationships with leading tech companies increase your chances of getting noticed by employers.
  • Tailored Approach: Personalized support to address your individual needs and career goals.
  • Proven Success: Our graduates have successfully landed jobs in reputable companies, thanks to our comprehensive placement support and 100% placement guarantee.

How to Get Started

Enrolling in our Software Testing Course in Pune is your first step toward a successful career. Our 100% job placement support will guide you every step of the way. To learn more about our job placement services or to discuss how we can help you achieve your career goals, contact us or visit our website. Start your journey toward a successful career in software testing today!

Course Curriculum

  1. Introduction to Software Testing: Basics of testing, types of testing, and the role of a software tester.
  2. Manual Testing: Techniques, test case creation, and bug tracking.
  3. Automation Testing: Tools, scripting, and best practices for effective automation.
  4. Performance Testing: Methods to evaluate software performance and reliability.
  5. Certification Preparation: Guidance on preparing for certification exams and understanding industry standards.

Course Outline

Duration : 6 months

Sessions :

  • Weekdays – 4 per week
  • Weekends – 2 per week

Prerequisites :

  • There is no such Prerequisites for this course.
  • Basic computer knowledge will be advantage.

Manual Testing



Automation Testing - Selenium

Course Curriculum

Manual Testing
  • Types of software
  • Architecture of the software
  • How the software works
  • Internet , browsers, website ,web application webpage, the home page
  • What is Software testing
  • What is Software Bug
  • Reasons for Bugs
  • When to start/stop testing
  • Desktop /Standalone-Environment
  • Client-Server Environment
  • Web based application
  • Mobile-based application
  • SDLC phases
  • SDLC models
  • Waterfall Model Spiral Model Agile Model Iterative and Incremental Model
  • Types of testing
  • Methods of testing
  • Static and Dynamic testing
  • Functional testing Non-functional testing
  • Validation testing
  • Level of testing
  • Verification testing
  • Methods of verification testing
  • V model
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • System testing
  • User Acceptance testing
  • Regression testing
  • Retesting
  • Performance testing
  • Load testing
  • Stress testing
  • Security testing
  • Portability testing
  • Compatibility testing
  • Other special testing
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Plan Template
  • UseCase template
  • Scenario testing
  • Testcases and TestData
  • Test Design technique
  • Other special testing
  • What is Defect/Bug
  • Reasons for Defects in Software
  • Defect Tracking System
  • Defect Lifecycle
  • Attributes of Defect
  • Use the tool
  • File a Bug
  • Track the Bug
  • Scenario testing
  • Test case template
  • Test case design in SRS given
  • Live website test cases
  • Test case template
MySQL Database (SQL)
  • What is Data
  • What is databases
  • What is RDBMS
  • Advantages of RDBMS
  • Why RDBMS
  • Users present in Database
  • What is SQL
  • Installing MYSQL
  • Set up MYSQL Workbench Tool
  • CREATE database, table
  • Data types in SQL
  • ALTER commands
  • RENAME table
  • DROP ,Truncate commands
  • Comments in SQL
  • Insert records in table
  • Update the table records
  • Delete the records from table
  • Managing the record in table
  • PRIMARY KEY constraints
  • FOREIGN KEY constraints
  • NOT NULL constraints
  • UNIQUE constraints
  • CHECK constraints
  • Autoincrement
  • Row Restriction WHERE clause
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • SQL Operators-LIKE IN NOT NULL
  • Literals Concatenation
  • What is a group function
  • GROUP BY clause
  • HAVING clause
  • What is a Join
  • Types of joins
  • What is subquery
  • Types of subquery
  • Single row subquery
  • Multiple row subquery
  • Corelated subquery
  • ALL ANY Operators
  • What is Trigger
  • Write a trigger in SQL
  • Usage of Trigger
  • Read excel data in SQL
Core Java Programming
  • History of Java
  • Features of Java
  • Applications of Java
  • How a JAVA programs works?
  • JVM, JRE,JDK architecture.
  • Set up of Java Project
  • Setting the environment Path
  • Creation of Project in ECLIPSE IDE
  • First Program in Java
  • First Program in Java
  • Execute the Program
  • Variables ,Rules for naming variables
  • Datatypes and their types
  • Operators in Java
  • User Input in Java.
  • What are control Statements
  • Conditional or Decision Statements
    • If else elseif nested if else
    • switch case
    • Loops or Repeating Statements while,dowhile,for
  • Nested for loop
  • break and continue statements
  • What is an Array.
  • How to access Array and when to use it
  • Declaring arrays in java
  • Print array using enhanced for loop
  • Declare 2Darrays
  • What is a class and object
  • Structure of the class
  • What is a method and its types
  • Return type parameters
  • Default constructor Parameterized constructor
  • How objects are allocated
  • Creation of multiple objects.
  • Different ways of initialization Using reference Using methods
  • this keyword in class
  • Inheritances
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • What is inheritance
  • Different types of inheritances
  • Single level inheritances
  • Multilevel inheritances
  • Hierarchical inheritances
  • super keyword
  • Polymorphism
  • Method Overloading Method Overriding
  • Static variables
  • Static Methods
  • Final Variables
  • Final class and methods
  • What is abstraction.
  • How can we achieve abstraction in Java abstract class interfaces
  • What is an interfaces
  • How to write abstract class and methods
  • Why to use interface in Java.
  • What are packages?
  • Why use packages?
  • Create user defined packages
  • Access methods from different packages
  • Access Modifiers Public Protected Default Private
  • What is Encapsulation ?
  • Purpose of Encapsulation
  • What is fully encapsulated class
  • Getters and Setters
  • What is exception?
  • Types of exceptions
  • How to Handle exceptions
  • Keywords in exception Try Catch Finally Throws throw
  • Access Modifiers Public Protected Default Private
  • Create user defined exceptions.
  • What is a String?
  • How to create Strings in Java.
  • String Memory allocation.
  • String Comparison
  • String Searching
  • String Extraction
  • Splitting Strings
  • String Methods Length() Concat() toUppercase() toLowercase()
  • StringBuilder StringBuffer
  • Enumerations
  • What is a wrapper class.
  • Purpose of wrapper class
  • String Conversion
  • TypeCasting-Explicit and Implicit
  • What is Inner class
  • Why use inner classes
  • Types of inner class
  • Member inner class
  • Anonymous inner class
  • Local inner class
  • What is a framework.
  • What is collections.
  • Why collections.
  • Collections class and interfaces LIST SET QUEUE MAP
  • Iterators
  • List Iterators
  • Traversing using for Loops
  • Comparators in Collections
  • Add objects in collections
  • Traverse the objects using Iterators
  • What is a file?
  • FileWriter and FileReader
  • BufferReader IO Exceptions
  • Write and read a text file
  • Write and read properties file
  • Use properties class for read/write
  • What is a multitasking.
  • Multiprocessing and Multithreading
  • What is Thread?
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Thread Priority
  • How to create Thread
  • Daemon Thread
  • Sleep and join methods
  • Interrupted Exceptions
  • Synchronization of thread
  • Interthreaded Communication wait() notify() notifyAll()
Automation Testing - Selenium Tool
  1. Introduction to Automation testing
    • What is Automation testing
    • Drawbacks of Manual testing
    • What testcase can be automated
    • Things to be done before automation testing
    • Types of Automation tools
  2. . Different components of Selenium
    • Selenium-RC
    • Selenium Web driver
    • Selenium GRID
  3. Selenium IDE
    • Introduction to Selenium IDE
    • Installing Selenium IDE
    • Create and execute basic scripts recording tests
    • Selenium IDE icons
    • Running a test
    • Selenium Concepts
    • Element Locators
    • Asserts Accessors
    • Pattern Matches Element Locators
    • Locating Element by ID Locating element by name
    • Locating elements by CSS Summary
    • Useful Selenium Tools
    • Firebug for Firefox and Chrome
    • Firepath for xpath generation
    • IE developer tool bar
    • TestSuite
    • What is TestSuite
    • Creating TestSuite Using selenium IDE
    • Selenium IDE Overview
    • Selenium IDE General Options
    • Selenium Menu Items
    • Format
  4. WebDriver (Selenium 3.0) with Project
    • Introduction to WebDriver
    • What is WebDriver
    • Difference between WebDriver and Selenium RC
    • Architecture of selenium WebDriver
    • Configuring WebDriver in Eclipse
    • Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
    • WebDriver Drivers introduction
    • HTML Driver
    • Firefox (OR) GeckoDriver
    • IE (OR) Microsoft Edge Driver
    • Chrome Driver
    • Working with IE Driver
    • Downloading IE driver Server
    • Configuring IE Driver Server
    • Basic Example on IE Browser
    • Working with Chrome Driver Downloading Chrome driver Server
    • Configuring Chrome Driver Server
    • Basic Example on Chrome Browser
    • Concept of firefox profile
    • What is Firefox profile
    • Why we need firefox Profile
    • Basic WebDriver Example
    • WebDriver Concepts
    • WebDriver Locators
    • Locating elements by ID
    • Locating elements by Class
    • Locating elements by Tag
    • Locating elements by Name
    • Locating elements by Link Text
    • Locating elements by Partial Link Text
    • Locating elements by Partial Link Text
    • Locating Elements by using CSS
    • Working with web page elements using WebDriver
    • Textbox Links Buttons Check Box
    • Radio Button List Box Drop Down
    • Selenium-WebDriver API Commands and Operations
    • Driver commands like get(―URL‖); getTitle(); getWindowHandle(); getWindowHandles();
    • close(); Quit(); ..etc. Child element commands like clear();
    • sendKeys(―Data‖); click(); getAttribute(―arg‖); getTagName();
    • getText(); isDisplayed(); isEnabled(); isSelected(); ….etc.
    • WebDriver all other commands. WebDriver Advanced Concepts
    • Importing WebDriver documentation in eclipse WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class
    • Proxy settings with WebDriver/Working with proxy Servers
    • HTMLUnit driver and desired capabilities
    • Handling Links with WebDriver
    • Handling WebList Dynamic objects
    • Extracting links and other webelements
    • Capturing screenshots with WebDriver
    • Window handles
    • Tabbed browsing with WebDriver
    • Example of Tabbed browsing
    • Pop up handling in Selenium
    • Example of Pop up handling
    • Introducing Implicit wait and Explicit wait commands
    • WebDriver Wait Class
  5. Introduction Action class Usage
    • Simulating the Keyboard Keypress event
    • Simulating Pressing Enter Button of Keyboard
    • Simulating MoveToElement/Mouse Over event
    • Simulating Drag and Drop event
    • Working withWebTable
    • How to get row count
    • How to get data from specific cell
    • Dynamic WebTable Handling
    • Attaching files with Selenium
    • Working with Calender using Selenium
    • Handling Frames in Web Page
    • Handling cookies
    • Simulating front and back button click on
    • Listeners- Using WebDriverEventListener
    • Moving a mouse on a Object and right clicking on it
    • Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
    • Remote WebDriver
  6. Testing Framework
    • Introduction to TestNG
    • Difference between Junit and TestNG
    • Why TestNG
    • InstallingTestNG in Eclipse
    • Advantages of TestNG over Junit
    • Exploring TestNG Features
    • TestNG annotations
    • How to Use TestNG Annotations for Selenium programming.
    • TestNG Annotations Complete Usage and Limitations
    • TestNG Assert commands
    • Automate tests using TestNG.
    • xml file for suite.
    • How to create testSuite for selenium tests.
    • TestNG Execution Report
    • TestNG Results output folder walkthrough
    • TestNG Reporting features
  7. Auto IT
    • Installing Auto IT
    • Auto IT Overview
    • Why Auto IT?
    • AutoIT components
    • AutoIT commands
    • Auto IT Script Examples
    • Compiling Auto IT scripts
    • Write Auto IT programs in Eclipse
  8. Automation Framework
    • What is Automation Framework
    • Advantages of automation framework
    • Types of automation framework
    • Modular Driven Framework
    • Data Driven Framework
    • Hybrid driven framework
  9. Module Driven Framework
    • What is modular driven framework
    • Create reusable code as methods
    • Create reusable code as methods
    • Create test scripts by importing methods
  10. Data Driven Framework
    • What is parameterization?
    • Types of parameterization
    • Parameterization using Excel
    • Parameterization using Property files.
    • Random number parameterization
  11. Hybrid Driven Framework
    • What is Hybrid Driven Framework
    • Hybrid Driven Framework Implementation
    • Create Config files
    • Create Locators
    • Create libraries files
    • Create application methods
    • Create Global variables
    • Create Test scripts using TestNG Annotations
    • Create Test Suite using TestNG XML files
    • Generate Reports
    • Create Builds using Maven
  12. Selenium Grid
    • What is Selenium Grid?
    • Use of Selenium Grid?
    • When to Use It
    • Selenium-Grid 2.0
    • Difference between Selenium-Grid 1.0 and Selenium and 2.0
    • How Selenium-Grid Works–With a Hub and Nodes Installation
    • Starting Selenium-Grid
    • Configuring Selenium-Grid
    • Hub Configuration
    • Node Configuration
    • Getting Command-Line Help
    • Common Errors
    • Troubleshooting
    • Executing tests using Selenium- Grid
  13. Selenium RC Overview
    • Introduction
    • How Selenium RC Works
    • How Selenium RC Works
    • Installation
    • From Selenese to a Program
    • Programming Your Test
    • Learning the API
    • Reporting Results
    • Adding Some Spice to Your Tests
    • Server Options
    • Specifying the Path to a Specific Browser
    • Selenium RC Architecture
  14. Maven and Jenkins
    • What is Maven
    • Difference between ANT and Maven
    • Why Maven
    • Maven installation
    • Maven run commands
    • POM XML
    • Maven dependencies
    • All plugins installationsCreate builds using Maven
    • Introduction to Jenkins
    • How to integrate Selenium and Jenkins
  15. Real Time Process for Automation testing
    • Introduction About Framework
    • What is feasibility study
    • Tool Selection criteria
    • What is POC
    • Hybrid frame work creation
    • Hybrid frame work creation
    • Name Conventions
    • Local Scope Variables
    • Global Scope Variables
    • Constants variables
    • General methods
    • Object Repository Files
    • Application methods
    • Coding & Commenting Code
    • Coding & Commenting Code
    • Test Suite Creation.
  16. Cucumber Framework
    • What is BDD
    • Cucumber implements BDD
    • Downloading Cucumber Jars / Adding dependency
    • Preparing Features File having test scenarios
    • Writing a step definition
    • Writing Runner Class
    • Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
    • Junit Report Generation in Cucumber
    • Cucumber HTML Reports
Soft Skills
  1. Introduction to Soft Skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Presentation Skills
    • Time Management
    • Body Language & Etiquettes
    • Group Discussions & Interview Skills
    • Preparation of CV
    • Interview
  2. Intelligence Skills
    • Emotional Intelligence Skills
    • Life Skills
    • Presentation on Soft Skills
    • Body Language & Etiquettes
    • Group Discussions & Interview Skills
  3. Personality Development
    • What is personality
    • Types of personality
    • Elements of personality development
    • Goal Settings
    • Creativity
    • Human Values
    • Stress Management
  4. Workplace Etiquette
    • Behavior at work
    • Personal etiquette
    • Using office utilities and resources
    • Postures
    • Gestures
    • Eye contact
  5. Self Discovery
    • Know yourself
    • SWOT – Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats
  6. Communication
    • Verbal Language
    • Written Communication
    • Speech Clarity
    • Modulation of Voice(Tone, Pitch)
    • Listening Skills


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